Most people with sun damage just assume it will never go away. And there is good reason for that. On its own sun damage will never lighten. When we have hyper-pigmentation, it’s due to over active melanocytes under the skin. Melanocytes is what produce melanin, melanin is what gives us our tan color in our skin. When we have sun damage the over active melanocytes under the skin will keep pushing up that sun damage. In order to treat this you need a professional regimen designed specifically to address hyper-pigmentation. This typically includes a very potent vitamin C serum, SPF every day, and some sort of retinol, and or melanin suppressor. A melanin suppressor will calm down the melanocytes under the skin, leading to a lifting of the hyper pigmentation. The vitamin C will brighten the skin overall and protect it from more sun damage. These results were achieved by using a professional grade skin regimen from Lux Skin Studio. And only 2 of the recommended 4 chemical peels. There’s nothing that makes me happier than seeing my clients achieve the results they’re looking for. But you want to be in the hands of a trained esthetician that understands how hyper-pigmentation works, and how to treat it. I can’t get over the lift of the hyper-pigmentation spot over the eyebrow! You can also see the fine lines around the eyes improving. Skin change is possible!